Charlotte Roesener (Ph.D.) was born in Vienna in 1977. After graduation from Vienna University of Technology, Austria, and Keio University, Japan, in the field of AI in 2007, Charlotte was first active in research. Transferring into the industry, Charlotte was a product manager and technical team leader in public transport.
She has been with Frequentis AG since 2013, where she has been driving critical communication applications in the public safety domain as a product manager. In 2018, Charlotte became a new business development manager and led mission-critical broadband communication in Frequentis. In recent years, Charlotte has also been actively contributing to diverse TCCA and GCF working groups.
In June 2021, Charlotte was elected to chair the Industrial Committee of Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) Forum. She has been active in the public safety domain for more than eight years, driving innovation and focusing on building resilient and sustainable solutions for the specific demands in Public Safety, especially on the European market.