Jacques Magen has more than 30 years of experience in international R&D and innovation in Europe and beyond, specifically in telecommunications and information technologies. This includes 20+ years in research and innovation collaborative programs, both in industry and in national and regional funding public agencies. Mr. Magen is regularly invited to speak at conferences and events worldwide.
Jacques has been a Senior Project Manager at AUSTRALO since July 2020, after over 10 years as the head of INTERINNOV. With INTERINNOV and now with AUSTRALO, Jacques has been participating in many international projects. He is a former Alcatel employee, where he occupied different positions, including being a Director of R&I External Affairs.
Jacques is currently a member of the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform Steering Board and the SME Working Group Chair. There, he helps promote the visibility of SMEs in domains related to 5G/6G and telecommunications at large.