Mr. Wendel has served as the acting Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers since September 2022. He has been the Chief of staff to the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers from 2019 to 2022.
Before that, Mr. Wendel served as the Swedish Ambassador to the DPRK (North Korea) from 2017 to 2019; as the Minister Counsellor and Deputy Chief of mission at the Embassy of Sweden in Helsinki, Finland, from 2013 to 2017.
He has also been the Counsellor for economic and European affairs at the Embassy of Sweden in Paris, France (2010-2013), held the position of Deputy Director at the Department for European Affairs (2008-2010), and worked at the Iran desk at the Department for the Middle East and North Africa (2007-2008) at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden.
Before that, Mr. Wendel also worked at the Department for International Trade, was Deputy Head of Mission at the Swedish Embassy in Rabat, Morocco, Deputy Head of Mission at the Swedish Embassy in Tehran, Iran, and was the First Secretary at Swedish Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh.